

Basic parameter:

- Material: ADC12 corrosion-resistant die-cast aluminum housing ;                6mm clear safety glass ;                anti-aging waterproof silicone gasket;                304/316 stainless steel external fasten screws.                PP plastic recessed box

- Finishing: Double layers of DUPONT UV-resistant polyester powder coating

🔯 - Installation: Ambient temperature:-30℃~+45℃;                     Single Color: 1x 0.5m length 2/3-cores Ø7.5mm power supply cable;                     DMX512 controllable: 1x 0.5m length 2/3-cores Ø7.5mm power supply cable  & 2x 0.5m 4-cores Ø6.0mm data cables with waterproof connector.                     Nickled plated brass waterproof cable gland

Product model maximum power Beam angle Color temperature / color control mode Luminous flux Figure No
10.0942.A24WV220 40W 15°(15°+45°2:1) RGBW DMX512 1300Lm /
10.0942.A24FV220 40W 15°(15°+45°2:1) RGB DMX512 990Lm /
10.0942.A18FV220 40W 15°(15°+45°2:1) RGB DMX512 900Lm /
10.0942.A24FV36 36W 15°(15°+45°2:1) RGB DMX512 990Lm /
10.0942.A18FV24 36W 15°(15°+45°2:1) RGB DMX512 900Lm /
10.0942.D30CV220 36W 15°(15°+45°2:1) 2200K-5700K DMX512 2400Lm /
10.0942.D30V220 36W 15°(15°+45°2:1) 2200K-5700K ON/OFF 2400Lm /
10.0942.D24V24 26W 15°(15°+45°2:1) 2200K-5700K DMX512 2000Lm /
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